суббота, 29 августа 2015 г.

Mom fashion

Days go by, summer almost said goodbye to us and it's time for autumn style. Today I choose culottes, black jacket and romantic mood.

By the way, culottes is a very special kind of pants. Women are very often afraid a little to put a thing like this on, because they think that their legs look shorter and thicker in culottes. I think they are mistaken. There are so many kinds of these beautiful pants! Some are a little longer (for those who want their legs to look long), sometimes they look like a skirt and be sure you'll find something cute for you. 

Historically split skirt was developed for horseriding during the Victorian era. So, putting culottes like this you wear the first version of this item of clothing. 
And also don't forget about high heels if you are afraid your legs look short. 
If you are not afraid of anything you may prefer and extraordinary version like the one below. 
As  a young mom, sometimes I put on high heels (if my baby girl is in a good mood), sometimes I put on sandals and I guess I still look pretty and slender. Have a nice day and be brave and beautiful! 

Sincerely yours, 
Tamila Webster 
Instagram: @milla_foxy 

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