понедельник, 5 октября 2015 г.

Heart of a city

To walk around the city and to look at ancient buildings is like turning pages of a favorite book. You examine each detail to learn much better the city you visit or live in. As for the ancient buildings, you cannot find them in each city. But if the building was created about two centuries ago, it's already pure history. The architecture you see in the photos is of that kind. It is in Moscow and it is Russian Treasury Loan. The interior is as exquisite as exterior, but unfortunately nowadays it's forbidden to visit it. 
Anyway I love to touch the city in such a way, I want these houses to remembere. Art lives much longer than we do, so I want to be the piece of art to stay in history. 
My total blue look is framed by "dirty pink" bag, my hair style shows my admiration to XIX century and my extreme mini-dress is balanced by modest top of the same dress and a jacket. 

Blue is a color of melancholy, they say, but for me it's the color of mental exaltation. Anyway my blue mood helps me to write my name in history of this city. 

Instagram: milla_foxy 

Yours truly,
Tamila Webster Zimakova 

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